Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


By Mohd Salleh bin Ibrahim

Key point: I believe teachers of English should cut down on their talking time in class and give more opportunities for the students to speak the language.

In one of my visits to a rural primary school, I was sitting quietly at the back observing the goings-on in a class of quite active Year Five children. The topic being taught in the English lesson was “Personal traits.” Quite a substantial number of human characteristics, such as friendly, kind, smart, and obedient, were either provided by the teacher or elicited from the pupils and listed on the board. Sentences were duly constructed with these words orally first and then again written out on the board to illustrate the meanings.

The word talkative came up and while explaining the meaning, the teacher identified and called out names of some of the noisier souls in the class as examples of talkative people. Feeling sure that the meaning had been well put across and understood, she asked “Who is the most talkative person in theclass?”

A small go-roup of bright-eyed-eleven-year-olds in one section od the class, in all their innocence, with hands straight up chorused, “Teacher!”

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