Minggu, 28 November 2010



1 - Cock-a-doodle-do, crowed the rooster.
2 - The clock goes ticktock.
3 - The cow says moo all day long.
4 - With the click of a mouse I can open another window on my computer.
5 - The duck quacked at the bird.
6 - Zip up your pants.
7 - The birds like to tweet outside my window.
8 - Don't belch so loud.
9 - I was so cold my teeth were chattering.
10 - I heard the bees buzzing.
11 - Don't beep that horn again.
12 - Phew, that stinks.
13 - I love to sniff a good smelling flower
14 - The pig squealed.
15 - I love chrunchy potatoe chips.
16 - Dripdripdrip, went the faucet all day long.
17 - Baabaa whaled the sheep.
18 - Everyone in the room snapped their fingers to the music.
19 - Don't bump your head on the door.
20 - The fireworks at the parade made a loud boom!
21 - The birds were fluttering their wings.
22 - Yikes! I almost fell off my skateboard.
23 - Mom said, "don't plop on the sofa".
24 - I love to hear my cat purr.
25 - Poof! The magician made the rabbit disappear.
26 - The pipes rattled in the basement.
27 - I heard the tires schreech as he tried to put on brakes.
28 - The fire crackled as it kept us warm from the fireplace.
29 - The steaks sizzled on the grill.
30 - We heard the lion roar.
31 - Clap your hands a little louder.
32 - Don't bam on that table again.
33 - If the dog barks again take him outside.
34 - The water bubbled up from the sink.
35 - Eek ! I saw a mouse.
36 - The symbals gave a clink and a clang as we marched with the band.
37 - Thump him on the head to get his attention.
38 - I heard the whizz of the ball as he hit a home run.
39 - My teacher told me to shoosh , because I was making too much noise.
40 - I heard a knock at the door.

41 - The murmur of his words were barely audible.

42 - Zingwent the violin strings.
43 - Did he slash the tires?
44 - Tsk,tsk,tsk, what a bad decision that was.
45 - The door creaked as the wind blew it shut.
46 - The owl hooted as it sat in the tree.
47 - Grandma loves to hear the pitter-patter of little feet around the house.
48 - I love to splash in the water.
49 - The rustle of the leaves reminds me March winds are here.
50 - Hum me an old favorite

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