Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


There are five rules to life happily. They are: letting yourself free from hatred, letting your mind out of burden, living a simple life, giving more, and eliminating unnecessary want.

No one can go back to the past and restart his/her life. Everyone can start it right now and make a new end. God never promise you days without pain, laugh without sadness, sun without rain, but a power in that day. Happiness for tears and light in a journey.

Disappointment can block your life journey. However, later you will be in a good road. Don’t stay too long in that disappointment. Keep moving!

When you are disappointed because you cannot reach what you want, just accept this condition, and be happy. It is because God is thinking of something more for you.

There is a purpose for every event in life that can teach you to laugh more or not to cryr harder.

You cannot force someone to love you. You can only let yourself to be loved. Then, this is the people’s decision to love you or not. Just give a limitless love to anyone. In life, you will hardly find a person you love and he/she loves you too. So, once you get your love, do not let it away.

There is a possibility that the love will not come back. It is better to let your self-esteem gone, rather than losing the one you love, because of you esteem.

We really waste our time to search for an appropriate person to love. We also too often look at the mistakes of the one we love, rather than completing the love we give.

If you really care to someone, don’t search for his or her weaknesses. Don’t make excuses. On contrary, you need to fix those mistakes, accept those weaknesses, and don’t care of those excuses. Don’t ever try to leave old friends. You will never find the ones to replace them. Friendship is like a grape. The older is the better.

Translated from: The Route of Happiness, Rahmat Ramadhana al-Banjari

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